Monday, November 11, 2013

a maxi dress to maxi skirt

Halo, i'm back and wanna share you what i have done recently. It just nothing better to do turn to a good idea and worth it. I have this colorful stripes dress (from Forever 21) which has long kept in my closet due to weight matter, get it? So i decided to not let it go to charity or somebody who can fit in, i chose to transform it into maxi skirt. Never could expect it could be so easy doing it for a 'still-learning-stage' person like me. So here is how it goes:

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

kimono cool cardigan

6..7 weeks ago, i made a kimono cool inspired by leanne barlow's tutorial, an amazing fashion creator though she is an interior designer. With her amazing fashion style, it gives me the urge and focus to try on. It took me 6 hours for as a beginner on sewing an apparel, believe it? thought it gonna takes days, weeks or months to complete but 6 damn hours that i have managed. So here is the kimono cool that i have achieved :) ignore the dress please.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Hello! may be wondering where is the craftivity of my work and ideas? The truth is it is still on going hang on for bit and i will be right back. Thank you :)